New counseling model aims to enhance student mental wellness

There is a new face on campus. 凯蒂电台 staff therapist II, joined Pacific in January 2024. Pacific has adopted a new model for supporting the overall well-being of students, embedding counseling professionals in the schools 和 integrating them into campus life. Pruitt supports students from the Conservatory of Music 和 the 托马斯J. Long School of 药店, including pre-pharmacy, doctor of pharmacy 和 Pharmaceutical 和 Chemical Sciences Program graduate students.

A Licensed Marriage 和 Family Therapist, Pruitt earned her bachelor of arts in sociology 和 psychology from University of California, Davis 和 her master of science in marriage 和 family therapy/counseling from California State University, 萨克拉门托. During her almost 20-year career, she has worked with children exposed to trauma 和 adults with serious 和/or persistent mental health diagnoses. 

凯蒂电台 Staff Therapist II

Q&A with Katy Pruitt

Why is it important to prioritize your mental health?

在我看来, everyone at some point in their lifetime has experienced or will experience a mental health symptom, mental illness does not discriminate,普鲁伊特说. “Mental health is just as important as physical health. If your heart needs attention, you go to a cardiac specialist. Why is it so hard to get help when our brain needs care? Our minds need regular checkups too!”

“The message from President Christopher CallahanVice President Maria Bl和izzi around the importance of students’ mental health 和 wellness is being promoted by Dean Berit GundersenDean Peter Witte, 和 throughout Pacific. This emphasis on overall well-being is uplifting, promising 和 exciting. I am honored to be a part of it.”

When should you seek help?

“While I will always support someone in crisis, it is better to take a proactive approach. Come see me if you notice any symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, challenges with task completion, difficulty sleeping, 赛车的想法, feelings of self-doubt or engaging in negative self-talk. 我们可以坐着, check-in 和 develop ways together to help reduce some symptoms you may be experiencing. It is important to come in early when you start to notice these ‘signs’ so it doesn’t result in more serious symptoms that could lead up to a crisis.”

Where can students find you?

“My office is a private space in the B wing of Edward 和 Alice Long Memorial Hall, B102A. I can be reached at”

Student wellness resources

Request a counseling appointment

联系 Counseling 和 Psychological Services (大写) or 209.946.2315分机2. Students should specify they are part of the Conservatory of Music or 托马斯J. Long School of 药店, if applicable.

Call the crisis hotline

Students have 24/7 access to an on-call crisis therapist at 209.946.2315分机3.

Get academic support

The Office of Academic Success 和 Instructional Support (OASIS) offers workshops 和 training sessions for individuals 和 small groups. 联系 马克Stackpole, MA, EdD, director of OASIS, at or 209.601.1029.